UBC Press Release

Light Up Your Path Project

Project Background


After the COVID-19 and the current state of the global economy, many enterprises with good track records are working hard to explore way to re-establish their business from the severe business contraction during the last three years. In particular on how to overcome the cash flow shortage. To survive through the current severe difficult period of the era, enterprises need to seek way for cost reduction, raise sufficient funds for sustainability and to explore new business opportunities. However, on the other hand we have:


  • Investors sitting with idle cash are looking for good investment opportunities. These investors strongly believe that when economy is about to recover any investment on viable and sustainable business, they made will bring huge returns
  • Elderly founders of SME with decade of successful track records are facing the common problem of no family members are interested to take up and carry on the business. Hence, they have no choice but open to consider new investors who has the ability and business track records to take over the business as successor
  • Enterprises who are looking for vertical or horizontal expansion they are welcoming the opportunity to work jointly with other key competitors


Given the above Universe Business Consulting Limited (“UBC”) considers that leveraging all these would translate into opportunities for all parties concerned. With this in mind, UBC proposed a business project titled “Light Up Your Path” addresses not only the needs of all parties but to offer a Win-Win-Win opportunity for all Participants.


Project Objective


The Objective of the proposed Business project is to provide a Win-Win-Win solution for all participating parties such as:


  • UBC will incorporate a new investment holding company for searching and identifying good business opportunities. UBC will identify business owners who are looking for successor, rescue and or additional partners for business expansion At the same time UBC will also invite investors who are willing to invest in this proposed new investment holding company
  • Bankers and Financial institutions looking for good potential clients


The Win-Win-Win solution enables enterprise owner with good track record not only to survive through the most difficult period of the era but also places them in the best position to capture golden business opportunities arises from the current state of the economy.


  • For those retiring business owners, the project provides not only continuity of their business but also new resources for further development and expansion. Hence the founders’ effort for the past many years can be preserved and serves as a platform for further development thru acquiring competitors or merging with competitors in the same and/or related industry
  • Investors have the opportunity to invest in long standing business with sustainable track records and potential at a very reasonable cost
  • Bankers and Financial Institution will be able to capture good lending opportunity with minimize risks and secure good long-term customers
  • UBC will have an opportunity to participate in such meaningful projects, to secure long-term customers and establish reputation and image in the business community. Besides, based on the strong business background of UBC, as well as solid experience in different industries, UBC is a reliable business partner to provide professional advices for collaboration between potential investors and enterprise owners. With UBC strong business background it can assist in the business Management. The proposed new Investment Holding Company should target within a period of 5 years the company can be developed into a conglomerate with the size in term of profit and turnover meeting the relevant requirement for mainboard listing and or a key player in market and/or large enough to attract global investor for acquisition or merger etc.




The investment holding company will be developed into a conglomerate with diverse business. The group comprises of different nature of business in the form of one subsidiary for one type of business. The group’s growth potential as follows


  • Subsidiary level – Each subsidiary carries the potential for organic growth and growth by acquiring competitor
  • Group level-acquiring thru separate subsidiary for new and or additional type of business – potential for being acquired and or merged with a big flagship group
    • spin off individual subsidiary
    • Listing the entire group in the mainboard.

CFO and Senior Executive Service

Our CFO and senior executive Service Centre provides the skill sets of experienced Chief Financial Officers and experience executives at senior level from large corporations of diversified business industries to the listed, unlisted and new start-up of all size, enabling them to utilise the expertise of a highly experienced Chief Financial Officer and senior executives such as Human resource and compliance etc. without incurring the expense of hiring someone full-time. The CFO senior executive service Centre aims to build long-term business partner relationships with its clients through supporting value creation, strategic, risk management. Human resources and sustainability planning in good time and survival in bad time. Through value creation, capturing opportunity for expansion and overcome crises our clients value the services of experienced professionals with excellent financial and management knowledge and have the real hands-on experience to deliver.  At CFO Centre, Chief Financial Officers and senior executives are professionally qualified and all have held senior executive positions in both mid-sized and large organizations and are extremely commercial and business savvy. All of our programs are tailor made to the client unique situation based on findings from our study of the client’s status and situation.  The primary objective is to help client for value creation, risk monitoring, strategic planning and business expansion and sustainability This is the architecture we use to navigate the financial and   business function of our clients.

Company Survival Service

Our experienced consultants with diverse professional background covering banking, compliance, finance and accounting, corporate treasury and Human Resources.

These background places us in a position to workout rescue plan for company who are having financial difficulties and is experiencing pressure from their lenders and bankers.

Our contribution covers the following areas:

  • Business review
  • ⁠debt restructuring
  • ⁠Capital restructuring
  • ⁠Treasury and working capital management
  • ⁠Assets utilisation and /or in distress

©2025 Universe Business Consulting


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